44, math teacher. Got (re-)married in 2005l
Hello, this is Rob. This is my first blog, started late 2003. It will have a little of everything. I aspire to be an entertaining blogger - hopefully, enough so that you bookmark TGLF. TGLF is a combination music-politics blog
(If you are Googling me based on having me (or your kid) as a teacher, sorry about the rampant profanity. I'm trying to cut down.)
TGLF is named after a Billy Bragg song ("mixing pop and politics/he asks me what the use is/I offer him embarassment/and my usual excuses").
I am divorced, but I got remarried in 2005. I have a son who lives in the Midwest with his mother. He is autistic, but not profoundly so. He is 8. I see him a few times a year because I can't always deal with it and he lives so far away. He and his mom moved back east for a while in the summer of '04, but they bolted for Minneapolis late in 2004.
This is the great failure of my life so far.
I teach 8th grade math in a New Jersey school district.
I was circling the drain for a while, but I managed to pull out of it thanks to many good people, including Mom and Dad. And definitely Kim. Sorry, no alcohol or drugs were involved.
football, baseball, internet radio, indie rock, progressive politics, education