If this doesn't bring the miserable failure down, nothing will. Michael Moore's long-expected film documenting the long-standing connections between the Bush and bin Laden families will be explored in Moore's new film Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm sure a lot of it is old news to those of us who have been paying attention, but it would be nice to see it break wide open, right in the heart of public consciousness. Right in the middle of election season. Say what you will about Moore - he really knows how to push the buttons.
The film will first show in Cannes. Those goddamn French.
I can't wait. I got my girlfriend (Bush voter with buyer's remorse - I don't think she agrees with him on one major policy point, yet she voted for him anyway - our long national nightmare, the uninformed voter) who did not like Moore to watch Roger & Me and she conceded that it was a good film, despite her low opinion of Moore himself. Now I have to get her to watch Bowling For Columbine. Drip, drip, drip - I still have six months to flip her, if you know what I mean.
Wow another of Michael Moore's docufakeries. I'm sure the hollywooddites will drool over this one too.
Posted by: Star | 2004.05.07 at 01:32
And what about Bush being elected with Aliens help? This will be next documentary,right?
Posted by: massimo | 2004.05.07 at 05:42
Why are you all afraid of the truth? Your "man" is going down - get used to it.
Posted by: TGLF | 2004.05.07 at 08:41