Hey, it's been a while. Sorry - I've been busy with some school things. The semester ends this week. My research partner and I just finished our paper which is due Tuesday. That's weird for me, being done ahead of time. Usually, I'm the last-minute guy. If it was just me, that would likely be the case, but since I had a partner, I shaped up a bit and it all worked out. We're pretty sure we're going to get an A for the class. Now I have to work on a lesson plan that I need to present for my other class in Math Methods. I haven't started it yet, but I know what I want to do. That's Thursday night. After that, my plan is to study for the CST. That's the content test all prospective New York State teachers need to pass now. My specialty area is, of course, math. I'm hoping it won't be too hard, but who knows? Going to buckle down in May and June. The test is July 17. Once I pass that, I'll feel much better.
Just got the word from my ex that my son (who is autistic) did not get into the special school in Minneapolis. She was going to move there with him. She has to be out of her current residence in Iowa by May 14. Right now, she thinks she has a shot at a good job in Connecticut. She's said this before. I guess I shouldn't believe it until they get here. If they do, he'll only be 90 minutes away instead of 20 hours. I wish she had her shit together. She hasn't been too solid since I left, way back in 2001. It's been a long, hard road, but it would be nice to see my son on a regular basis again. Too much time lost, the years between four and seven.
Everything else is OK. I went to the WFMU record fair in NYC today. Spent $120 or so, netting a haul of 39 CDs and 25 (smelly old) LPs. I buy in bulk, what can I say? Spent a lot of time at the WFMU $1 and $3 CD tables. You'll be hearing the result on All Over The Place in the weeks to come.
Speaking of AOTP, I am revamping the playlist. I am uploading an entire new playlist which will be encoded at 64K instead of 56K. I'm hoping it sounds a little better. The playlist will have to be a little shorter out of necessity - until I buy more space anyway. Can I justify it with such a low listenership? I'm sure I'll be able to rationalize it somehow.