It's all here, and it makes a lot of sense. Unrestrained bloodlust coming from a man who claims to have a direct hotline to God. Leaves death and destruction in his wake. Absolutely no regard for human life.
George W. Bush proclaims himself a born-again Christian. However, Bush and fellow self-anointed neo-Christians like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft, and sports arena Book of Revelations carnival hawker Franklin Graham appear to wallow in a "Christian" blood lust cult when it comes to practicing the teachings of the founder of Christianity. This cultist form of Christianity, with its emphasis on death rather than life, is also worrying the leaders of mainstream Christian religions, particularly the Pope.
I fear we may lose it all this time.
(Found through Suburban Guerilla and Daily Kos.)
The real influence or mind behind the formation of the New World Order is Caligastia the secondary Lanonandek Son that has been in residence here on this planet as Planetary Prince for the last five hundred thousand years. The last two thousand years he has been assigned to mortal humanity thus having to incarnate over and over again to function in his mission. Caligastia's soul energy produces earth plane projections, some of them I believe were Nero, Hitler and now he is in the projection in the person of George W. Bush. His staff is also in this current timeline earth plane projections and preparing for the end of his timeline activities. The Christian expression "end of time" means the "end of the Caligastia Timeline." There are some very troubled times that will take place in the near future. The good news is that his timeline is coming to a close. But there is a long night to go through before the dawn. Read papers 66 and 67 of the Urantia Book for some of the history of Caligastia.
Posted by: Gauran | 2004.06.11 at 18:54
I think Caligastias timeline is up and its all connected to the ancient submerged cities Dalamatia and Dimun and the messages attached to these places found in all the ancient books of religion.
Posted by: sevens | 2007.05.04 at 06:46