Today's MP3 is dedicated to the whole gang down at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.: Alberto, Condi, Rummy, Snarlin' Dick, and George W., The Prince of Lies. Please enjoy "Everybody is a fucking liar" from The Posies' 1996 CD Amazing disgrace.
If you don't know much about The Posies, you may want to start with their still-in-print career overview, Dream all day. Kim likes 'em, so you know they must be good. She said that the songs all sound like you've heard them before, which is an accomplishment for a band with no mainstream hits to speak of.
For those of you who are already familiar with The Posies, we offer the demo version of "Everybody" from their getting-hard-to-find box set, At least, at last.
Lyrics for the song are available here.
(files removed Feb 25)