The newly-nominated Scalito is Bush's latest middle finger to us all. It should come as no surprise that he's not really into freedom, unless you're white, male and wealthy.
The Rude Pundit reacts.
Remember that it's a rule that holds fast and true: if George W. Bush gets to appoint someone to a position, that person will be a motherfucker. John Roberts, motherfucker; John Bolton, motherfucker; John Negroponte, motherfucker; Michael Brown, motherfucker and little bitch. In the hopper right now is Ellen Sauerbrey, who is a motherfucker of proportions that will ensure the rest of the world hates us even more than they already do. And, now, of course, we have Samuel Alito, the latest Supreme Court nominee after Harriet "Nope, She's a Motherfucker, Too" Miers withdrew after being gang-raped by the conservative right.
Samuel Alito is such a motherfucker that he supported the rights of cops to strip search a ten-year old girl who was not named in a search warrant because, as he stated, "[I]t is a sad fact that drug dealers sometimes use children to carry out their business and to avoid prosecution," which also means that it's a sad fact that the girl's got no rights to unreasonable search and seizures. Which means, really, none of us do if we happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
A Scalito summary from The Huffington Post:
Alito ruled that the government can require a woman to get her husband's permission before having an abortion. The Supreme Court, led by Justice O'Connor, disagreed.Environment
Alito would literally shut the courthouse doors to citizens who can prove that polluting corporations broke the law but can't prove they were personally/individually harmed. The Supreme Court led by Justice O'Connor, disagreed.Guns
Alito ruled that Congress does not have the power to ban the sale of machine guns. The Supreme Court, led by Justice O'Connor, disagreed.Race Discrimination
Alito ruled that racist employers should be immunized from employment discrimination suits even if they chose the "best candidate" as a result of "conscious racial bias." The Third Circuit, on which Judge Alito currently sits, disagreed.Health Care
Alito ruled that key provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act are unconstitutional. The Supreme Court, led by Justice O'Connor, disagreed.Disability Rights
Alito ruled in favor of a standard of proof that would allow "few if any cases to [even go to trial]." The Third Circuit, on which Judge Alito currently sits, disagreed.Privacy
Alito ruled that police officers did not violate Constitutional rights when they strip-searched a mother and her ten-year-old daughter while executing a search warrant covering only a man and his home. The Third Circuit, on which Judge Alito currently sits, disagreed.Immigrants' Rights
In two cases involving deportation of immigrants Alito was accused by a majority of his court of issuing dissents that "gut the statutory standard ... ignore our precedent ...[and contradict] well-recognized rules of statutory construction." The Third Circuit, on which Judge Alito currently sits, disagreed.
Lovely. Roe v. Wade goes - we get the women's vote.