Just caught HBO's Real Sports while channel flipping and caught the story of former major league catcher Darren "Dutch" Daulton. It would appear that he's operating on a different plane than the rest of us:
Home alone in Tampa, Daulton spends much of his spare time typing up
his mystical musings. The notes read like they were dictated by the
True Believers who hitched a ride with Comet Hale-Bopp. "Reality is
created and guarded by numeric patterns that overlap and awaken human
consciousness, like a giant matrix or hologram," writes the .245
lifetime hitter. "They are created by sacred geometry -- numbers, the
language of the universe, codes of awakening -- such as 11:11, which
represent twin strands of DNA about to return to balance. Eleven equals
During the Dutch Enlightenment, No. 11 has been as significant as it was in Spinal Tap.
"I'll wake up at night and look at the clock and it's 11:11," he says.
"I'll turn on the TV and see a baseball game tied at 11 in the 11th
inning. I'll look out the window and see a car passing with 1111 on the
license plate. The car will turn into a driveway with 1111 on the
Kinda sad and cool at the same time. Most pro athletes are just poon-chasing meatheads. Here's one who's actually willing to consider different alternatives. But he comes across like he's crazy. His wife divorced him and he's been arretsed multiple times. Real Sports also reported that he's broke, which contradicts the SI story.
Daulton's baseball stats and career summary.