Ran across this blog as I was organizing my music on Itunes and looking for covers etc. Huge O Positive fan, didn't need to download your tracks as I have these fantastic EPs already as well as Toyboat. Interesting to see that Dave stopped by to say hello. I also have a bunch of tracks (15?) that I downloaded way back in the original Napster days, they were tagged as Live on WESU, the band must have played live in the studio, really great sounding. If you are interested let me know. I'd love to get some info from Dave on them, what, where , when etc.
Ran across this blog as I was organizing my music on Itunes and looking for covers etc. Huge O Positive fan, didn't need to download your tracks as I have these fantastic EPs already as well as Toyboat. Interesting to see that Dave stopped by to say hello. I also have a bunch of tracks (15?) that I downloaded way back in the original Napster days, they were tagged as Live on WESU, the band must have played live in the studio, really great sounding. If you are interested let me know. I'd love to get some info from Dave on them, what, where , when etc.
Posted by: SJGMoney | 2006.11.20 at 23:37