Ad did some research and found a few labels for us to try and convince them to release Don't get up. He asked me to put together a cover letter - here it is:
The Fond Farewells
Don’t get up
Hello, we’re The Fond Farewells. In your hands, you hold a sampler of our 14-track album, Don’t get up. It arrives in your mailbox fully-formed and ready for release. It was recorded in a basement, a living room and a dining room. The songs were written in an earlier life by a fucked-up and lonely twentysomething who is now not nearly as lonely and fucked-up (and certainly not as twentysomething).
Concerning who The Fond Farewells sound like, it seems that everyone hears something different. We’ve heard reactions from R.E.M. to Wilco to “British folk music”. If you ask Rob, he’ll tell you that it was meant to be sort of They Might Be Giants by way of Depeche Mode. But that’s just him.
Suffice to say that Don’t get up is very ‘80s and yet somehow timeless. It’s the sound of corporate America gone off its meds. It’s the realization that everyday life is bullshit, but what other choice do you have but to live it?
If you (and by extension, your audience) like songs about clairvoyant 19th-century industrialists, the dissolution of the modern family and crushes on opera singers and environmentalists, then Don’t get up may just be the CD you need to add to your catalog.
We would like to see if you would consider releasing Don’t get up. (We heard that you were a nice label.) Please let us know what you think – we’ve got David Geffen holding on line two, and you know how he hates to be kept waiting…
Thank you profusely for your time and attention,
Rob and Adam
The Fond Farewells are Rob (vocals, a little keyboard, lyrics and most melodies) and Adam (pretty much everything else).